The human body struggles to recognise synthetic substances, and this includes vitamins. It is best able to process and assimilate nutrients from natural whole foods. However, as food quality declines due to (for example) mass production, the incidence of multiple micro-nutrient depletion continues to increase, along with associated ailments.Vegan C is a unique whole food (food based) source of vitamin C, derived from some of nature’s richest sources of this essential vitamins and antioxidants. As well as providing vitamin C, it is packed with a host of other natural vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, bioflavonoids, pectins, essential oils, lycopene, carotenoids, plant sterols, catechins, polyphenolics and other phyto-nutrients. Gentle and non-acidic – no ascorbic acid! Synthesised vitamin C (which is normally in the form of ascorbic acid and mineral acsorbates) may look like Vitamin C in chemical structure, but it is missing all of the natural and essential co-factors found in food state health food products.This Vitamin C combination is made up of natural food ingredients, as recognised and required by the body for maximum digestion, absorption and utilisation. Vegan C natural combination is also one of the few vitamin C supplements that: is not rapidly excreted from the body; is easily absorbed; is not acidic – many people are unable to tolerate citrus-based supplements, which can aggravate certain medical conditions.